Five Simple Ways to Get Out of a Funk

Five Simple Ways to Get Out of a Funk | Photo by Iviana Bynum

Having such a busy life causes me to constantly go into funks. With that I mean, I fall off the routines I want to be in (like working out and eating healthy) and I stop doing the things that help me to grow (like daily reading or journaling).

By the end of this article, you’ll have a couple of tools up your sleep to help you get out of the funk you’re in or that you can use the next time it happens again (hopefully never)!

I put together a list of ways that I get myself out of those “funky” times.

1.  Do an internal inventory.

No, I don’t mean an inventory of your organs and insides. While it is good to know that they are working just fine! What I mean is that you need to think about what’s bothering you. What helps me is to have someone I trust that I can process my feelings with and talk it out.

If there’s no one around, I write a little. Even if it starts with, “I don’t know what to write. I’m just in a funk.” That doesn’t matter because as you start putting pen to paper, you’ll find that things begin to flow out of you. It helps to know what’s wrong.

2.  Figure out if you’re balanced.

I know you can walk straight! That’s not what I mean! Ask yourself these questions. Obviously, if the answer is “no” then you know what you need to do.

  • Am I getting enough sleep?
  • Am I eating healthy foods? Am I staying away from processed foods?
  • Am I taking a multivitamin or eating super-foods? If not, check out Shakeology. (This is my personal link so you would be supporting my work with your purchase).
  • Am I moving and shaking by getting some type of exercise? Click this link for an amazing source of workouts that you can do right at home. (This is also my personal link).
3.  Give yourself some credit!

Are you giving yourself credit? Well, give yourself some! You work hard! You’ve been doing a lot. Give yourself a little pat on the back every once in a while.

We tend to keep pushing for more. Society tells us to work harder and harder so we never feel accomplished. You’ve accomplished a lot today! I bet you brushed your teeth. That’s an accomplishment in itself!

4.  Create something.

I don’t care if you bake a cake or draw a really elaborate stick figure portrait. Create something. There’s something about using the artistic and intuitive parts of your brain and creating that sends positive signals and automatically makes you feel better.

5.  Do something nice for someone else.

Random right? You thought I was going to tell you to do something nice for yourself. Well that’s just too obvious. Sometimes we have to go against the grain and doing selfish things. Doing for others is not only good for mankind, it’s good for you. Why? Because it helps you take your own focus off of your problems and setbacks. It helps you see that you’re not the only person in the world that has issues and gets into funks.

This is one of the things that I do the most. Especially for my kids. I strive to do special things for them because it brings me joy as well.

TAKE ACTION NOW: Now get off your desk [or couch] or go to one of the links I offered and do one of the things I told you to! I promise, at least one of these will work.

Also, if your “funk” is health-related I can help. Sign up to make me your free coach and I can help you reach your health & fitness goals.

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