I have been doing some crazy things lately!

They all involve chasing dreams that I’ve had for years. For example, today I’m going to take photos of a birth. Yes, this is something that sounded crazy to some of my friends when I told them.

“How do you make a birth look pretty?!”

“Are you going to take pictures of her you-know-what?!”

In case, you want to know, no, I’m not taking pictures of that! And pictures aren’t always intended to “look pretty”. Pictures are amazing because they document a moment in time. They capture this one part of your life that you never want to forget. Pictures are simply beautiful.

Now back to chasing your dreams.

I wanted to write about this today because I know that many of you are afraid to do things that you’ve been dreaming of.

1. Stop overthinking it.

Just go for it. Unless it’s to go travel around the world and you don’t have the money to do it. Then, I’d say, get a second job or become a coach to start saving the money.

2. Have the courage to give it a shot.

Honestly though, it’s very simple.

You know how I ended up with the opportunity that I’m going to have tonight (and many more of these in the future)? I simply put it out there. I knew I had a passion for documenting childbirth and I told God to back me on this one and I put the offer out there. Within ten minutes, I had a phone call.

3. Be ready for failure.

The times that I’ve wanted to do something that weren’t meant to be either the doors closed on me or I simply lost interest in them after trying.

That’s exactly what will happen. Either something will work or it won’t. You just have to stop thinking and start chasing your dreams. Be willing to put in the effort and give it your best shot. When it’s meant to be t will fall into place.

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