How do we come out boldly when we’re afraid or have been used to being quiet and well-behaved? Sometimes, speaking out requires us to take scary...
Ep 51: Taking Thoughts Captive & Overcoming Overwhelm with Victoria D. Walker Lydon
As a Christian author and certified Christian Thought Coach, Victoria brings over 30 years of teaching and advising experience to the podcast to...
Ep 48: Award-Winning Author Teri M. Brown Shares Inspiring Journey of Overcoming Abusive Marriage
In this inspiring episode, Teri M. Brown shares her journey of personal growth and resilience. She discusses the importance of stepping outside of...
Ep 47: Overcoming Entitlement & Raising Strong Men with Ahmard Vital
Motivational consultant, international speaker and author Ahmard Vital is on a mission to help raise up strong men in today’s challenging world. He...
Ep 43: Self-Compassion and Shifting Pain to Purpose with Inventor Antonia Holder
Antonia Holder, a mother and inventor on a mission to empower mothers and daughters around the world is sharing her inspiring story. She shares...
Ep 42: From Teen Parent to Courageous Living with Courage Molina
Prepare to be inspired and get chills in this interview with Courage Molina! She's going to tell you the things that everyone else is too scared to...
The Top 6 Essential Oils for Children Needing Neurological Support
Aromatherapy for Children Needing Neurological Support Do you have a child who has neurological issues? Are you having a hard time helping them cope...
What You Need to Know to Avoid Feeling Guilty
It's pretty clear that there are so many changes going on in my life and I often find myself out of breath from exhaustion. I just had a mini...