
My son’s face after getting caught playing with a dirty soda bottle.

It’s pretty clear that there are so many changes going on in my life and I often find myself out of breath from exhaustion.  I just had a mini reality check that I’m juggling so much that I’ve been feeling guilty even when I’m trying my hardest.

A couple of weeks after having my daughter I noticed I was starting to feel guilty all of the time.  The reason why I had been feeling this way is because I felt like there wasn’t enough of me to go around.  I couldn’t give my son my full love and attention because I was tending to my newborn.  I also couldn’t fully enjoy my new addition because I was making sure my son didn’t feel neglected.  It felt like a situation that I couldn’t win.

Now, I’ve recently taken on a new challenge.  I’ve decided to get fit, and burn off the baby weight that I gained from pregnancy and get healthier.  After making that commitment, an instant guilt trip came on as I realized that it would be more time I was sacrificing.

After having a talk with my husband it became clear to me.  My love cant to be split between my two children, it has to be doubled.  But in the midst of it all, I have to take time to love myself again.  Is that even possible?  Yes, it is!

This is just one example of how we are constantly filled with guilt as we walk through daily life.  We are eager to please those around us.  We have the ones we love, our children, family, coworkers, bosses, and friends.  Oftentimes we go out of our way to do things we don’t want to do out of pure guilt.

How To Stop Feeling Guilty

To add to our problem, we are filled with guilt from mistakes we have made in the past and can’t seem to let it go.  Here’s the beauty that I encountered.  We don’t have to feel guilty at all.  Not only are we forgiven but also we are giving into lies when we feel guilty.  I’ll sum up a very simple but powerful lesson I learned in the Bible.  It clearly states that we are forgiven and have redemption (Ephesians 1:7).  When I looked up the word “redemption” I came across many definitions such as atonement, deliverance, and salvation.  However, the one that stood out to me the most said, “paying off”.  You know how burdened we all feel by debt.  Well imagine the feeling we have inside when something is “paid off”.  It feels like freedom.  A weight has been lifted.

Once I came to grips that I have no reason to feel guilty, I felt better about being a mother of two.  Yeah, I’m not an octopus and I can’t be everywhere.  Yeah, the house tends to get messier a little quicker and I don’t clean it as quickly.  Yeah, my son watches more cartoons than he did in the past so I can get things done.  However, everything is working out as it should.  I’m giving it my all.

Knowing that you are forgiven and your mess-ups are “paid off”, you can walk with confidence knowing that you are human.  You make mistakes.  You have bad days.  Give it your all and don’t make excuses for yourself.  I will personally be committed to giving each of my children special attention every day, taking care of my body, and taking care of my home and responsibilities.  I know some days will be more difficult than others but I commit to giving it my all without feeling guilty.  Will you make that commitment today?

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