Welcome to my scope and thanks to you all watching the rebroadcast! I'm here to teach Practical Tech for the Un-Techy Mompreneur and also, all...
Do This One Thing Now for a Successful Life as a #WAHM
For about two years of my life, I went to bed nearly every night between 2 and 4am and peeled myself out of bed between 7:30 and 8 am. During that...
How to have your best year ever
2015 was probably one of the worst years of my life. Boy did I struggle this year but I also learned some of the biggest lessons of my life. It was...
I can’t make this up. How I failed again. #wahmfail
I sent this email to my list today and thought I'd share it on my blog, as it is just a little chunk of my life! Enjoy reading and also seeing that...
Why You Should Start Before You’re Ready
The past year of my life has been a whirlwind of self-doubt, fear, more self-doubt, and a hint of laziness. I’ll blame the laziness on pregnancy...
Dealing With Lack of Support from Family and Friends
I twiddled my thumbs as I waited for it to be my turn to speak. I was not looking forward to it. My heart pounded as the person whose turn it was...
How to Gain Confidence in 3 Easy Steps
If you have a desire to walk into any room without feeling like you don’t fit in- or you feel insecure around others- then this is for you. If you...
How to Chase Your Dreams
I have been doing some crazy things lately! They all involve chasing dreams that I've had for years. For example, today I'm going to take photos of...