Happy New Year!!!

The year is officially ending and what a better way to start the new year with some great New Years Resolution ideas for your family!

When I was thinking about great ideas that were family-oriented, I was really keeping in mind that all of us really have some pretty common desires

One of them being, having a stronger connection with our spouse and kids. While strong connections often come from healthy communication (something I’m talking a lot about in my upcoming book), they also come with spending intentional time together. 

Life is busy and we get distracted by the struggles of “adulting” so we obviously forget to make it a point to spend time together. After all, we live together so isn’t that enough?! No, of course not!

You and I both know that time is precious and it’s up to us to be intentional about every moment we’re given.

Some Things to Consider before choosing one of these New Year’s Resolution Ideas:

The purpose of this resolution is to bring your family together and foster an environment of teamwork in your home.

This is to be chosen as a group. If there’s major hostility among siblings or within the family, chose an attainable one on your own and do your best to make it happen.

Remember to approach your family members gently on the topic and present whatever it is in a welcoming way. Also, don’t expect a certain reaction out of anyone. Just go with the flow.

Here are 12 New Years Resolution Ideas for Your Family:

1. Eat dinner together at the table at least twice a week.

Make it a point to eat at the table. As a part of eating at the table, encourage everyone to leave their phones and devices somewhere else. Maybe even put a bowl in the middle that everyone puts their devices into. You might have to strong-arm them at first but remind them that it’s only 20 minutes tops of their time. They’ll live. 😉

2. Have a quarterly family game night. 

Every few months is a great realistic way to start because you’re not making a huge deal of it. If you’d like to make it more often, do it! This is a great way encourage camaraderie in your family unit and also laugh together, learn teamwork, and being a good sport.

3. Start a weekly ritual.

Once a week, do something together. It can take 30 minutes to a full evening together. This ritual is just an excuse to be in the same room, spending quality time. Have fun with it! It can be a family movie night, baking cookies, or a family walk each week. Keep it simple and easy to do.

4. Plan four family outings and put them on the calendar.

Before the year gets too busy, talk to your family about some things you’d like to do this year. Keep the outings very simple and easy to implement. Think group hike, picnic, beach day, or a drive to a new city.

If you thought those four were good, it gets even better in the rest of the list! If you liked these four, download the complete list and start bringing your family together again!

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