Let me guess.  You have almost everything you want and can possibly need- if you really think about it.  You have a phone, a bed to sleep in, a home, food, and cable.  However, you still find that you are not content with life.

I’m sure you’ve wondered why you’re not content with life multiple times.  You go shopping to get your “retail therapy” and you go to a nice dinner.  Maybe you turn to something else for a “quick fix”.  You eat chocolate.  It all feels great.  It is just so temporary and you don’t even know why.

I’ve felt that way time and time again.  I strived towards goals that I thought were what I wanted.  I reached them and felt “blah”.  I bought the shiny new thing that I wanted so bad and then paid attention to it for a day, maybe two.  I still do it sometimes.

The reason why none of that works is that being content with life doesn’t come from money, things, your position at work, or where you measure in your social circle.  Your education or even where you come from do not determine how content you will be.  Contentment comes from where your heart is.

Your level of contentment is a choice.  There is a lot going on behind the scenes of your life that you may not be very aware of.  The decision is for you to either grasp the opportunities around you or continue running the hamster wheel.

If you don’t feel content with your life, here’s a quick exercise:

  1. Think about where it is that you feel the need for improvement.  You may already know the answer.  If you don’t, spend a day soul-searching.
  2. Think of the things that you have on your mind.  What do you want or need to do.
  3. Make a list.  Look for the patterns in your list.
  4. Take action on what you know in your heart will make you feel the greatest.

Mental Note:

Having full control over every aspect of your life will not make you content.  Choosing contentment is what will bring you joy.  Then, what follows is the result of your actions.

Trust that every aspect of your life is being taken care of by God who is watching over every detail of your life.

Trust that maybe things are meant to work out in your favor.  Rest in the knowledge that everything works together for the best.

No, this isn’t the easiest practice to pick up.  I’ll be the first to say that I have some difficult days where certain things seem hopeless.

Isn’t it so much better to choose the route where you get your way though?  You either decide to believe for the best and stand in that truth or you continue to wonder why you aren’t content.

What if you choose joy and push towards the things that will bring you more joy?  Only good can come of it.

Have you struggled with not being content with life?  Is there something you did to change it?  If so, let me know in the comments.  Also, if you know someone who can benefit from this, click on one of the links below to share it with your friends.

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