There were several years of my life that I carried on feeling like I wasn’t good at anything.  During that time, from the moment I woke up every morning I felt discouraged and didn’t want to start my day.  I didn’t even want to get out of bed.  Each day that I felt that way, I barely accomplished anything and I wasted hours doing meaningless tasks.  I felt like I had no purpose and that I would never figure out what was in store for me.  In fact, I still have moments when I question the direction I’m going in life.  I still have to check myself often.  But in reality, whenever I’ve felt like a failure it has been my own fault.

One simple concept changed it all.  Feeling like a failure is simply a mindset.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

I was recently reminded of that lesson just a few days ago.  I’ve been trying out several new things in my life and that little discouraging voice constantly comes to try to convince me that I won’t succeed at what I’m trying.  If I keep listening to the negative coming from my own mind and from those who want to bring me down then that’s what I’ll start to believe.

If you feel like a failure, then most likely you are sabotaging your own success.  If you compare yourself to others, you will feel inadequate.  If you feel lazy, you will act lazy.  If you feel sad then you will be sad.  Whatever you focus your thoughts on, you will manifest in your own life.

It is very easy to be overtaken by your own thoughts but you don’t have to be controlled by them.  There may certain aspects of your life where you are feeling like a failure.  How you are reacting to your circumstances?  Are you choosing to be positive in your daily life or is the negative consuming you?  Are you taking the correct steps to improve that situation?

For example, I just had a baby.  Obviously, after having a baby my body is not the way it used to be so I feel untoned and out of shape.  I have two choices.  I can spend every day feeling out of shape, constantly thinking about it, and even looking in the mirror and being mortified about how I look.  However, I have chosen to react differently.  Yes, I know I’m not in shape and I need to tone up.  So I started focusing on the results I wanted and what I needed to do to get there, not on how far away from that goal I am.  That involved working out and eating better and I’m already seeing results.

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure

I know that feeling like a failure can be a deep hole to climb out of when you are going through a difficult time in your life.  But isn’t it amazing that you have the ability to change that?  Start making changes by working on your mindset and taking positive actions today to make a difference in your life.

It’s almost inevitable that you’ll have moments when you feel down in the dumps but you have to consciously redirect your thoughts.  I’ll be the first to say that it is not an easy task but the more you practice it, the more your thoughts will change.  What area in your life are you struggling with right now?  Think about how you can change that mindset and work it in your favor.  Remember, the thoughts you focus on will reflect onto your daily life so make them winning thoughts.

What thoughts are you going to change today? Email me and let me know.  I’d love to hear!

Have a great week!




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